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We at Plant & Bloom know what flowers can do for you. It’s not for nothing that we are truly a family owned business, which is now being run by four generations. Our mission is to inspire all kinds of gardeners and to motivate them to get outside and garden. This is the only way they reap the benefits of having plants and flowers. To spread our message of colorful happiness we have created beautiful flower bulb gifts. In this article we’ll tell you all about it.

So many flowers to choose from

Flowers in itself are a great gift. You have freshly cut flowers, annual flower bulbs, perennials, spring and summer blooming flower bulbs. So many kinds of flower bulbs to choose from, like tulips, begonia’s, callas, lilies, gladioli or dahlia’s. Did you know that different types of flowers have different meanings? Like that fact that red tulips are also considered a declaration of love? Yeah, we didn’t either.

Health benefits from flowers

Other than being gorgeous, flowers and flower bulbs have proven benefits for your health. They can help improve your mood and memory. Receiving flowers from someone shows they care about you and the smell and look give you an emotional boost. Furthermore, flowers have a positive effect on your memory. They oxygenate the air which boosts brain cells, which in turn improves memory, clarity and concentration. As if this wasn’t enough, flowers can assist with relaxation and increase your energy. We already knew that gardening can help you work through stress or frustration in a healthy way and tending to flowers is a relaxing act on its own. Ever wonder why candles or bath products often have a flower scent? Because the scent causes a state of relaxation. On to the increase of energy. Fresh or potted plants in your area are linked to the increase in positive energy. Specifically the smell and color boost energy, same as for improving your mood. A bonus point is that flowers can help with creativity and the raise of it. Try it when you’re reading or doing a puzzle and you can enjoy the sight of pretty flowers. All of these benefits apply to freshly cut flowers, flower bulbs and potted plants!

The ideal gift for flower lovers and others

Flowers are always a great idea, yet why flower bulbs specifically? As we’ve mentioned flower bulbs come in all shapes, forms and sizes. This gives you the chance to pick the perfect flower bulb gift basket with different colors and bulbs. You have spring and summer blooming bulbs and annuals, who’ll grow once, or perennials, who’ll grow on a yearly basis. When gifting a flower bulb gift, you basically give them multiple moments to relax and enjoy. Since you’ll care for, plant and eventually watch the flower bulbs bloom. Within a flower bulb gift set you give them a better mood and memory, relaxation and an increase in energy. Also a fun activity to do out in great weather!

Plant & Bloom: the ideal flower bulb gift

A paper gift bag, inspiring trend cards, top size flower bulbs, plant & flower instructions and much more. This gorgeous flower bulb gift is ideal for flower lovers, aspiring gardeners or professionals with the greenest fingers. The flower bulb gift basket includes everything you need. In a recyclable paper bag you’ll find inspiring trend cards to help you on your way if needed, plant and flower instructions and ofcourse top size flower bulbs! You can go for mixed colors or a single color if you know that it is the lucky ones favorite color.

Why Plant & Bloom?

At Plant & Bloom we are strongly focussed on the joy of being a true gardener, which is why we thought ‘DIY: grow your own!’. We have our own breeding company and that ensures that we can deliver a plus plus quality. We produce the flower bulbs in our own fields and export them ourselves. This way we know all of the bulbs are taken care of and guarantee we deliver premium quality. So you or your loved ones can enjoy the best flower bulbs there are from Dutch soil!

As we said earlier, flowers are always a great idea. If you’re not sure where to start or would like some more information on flower bulbs and planting them, we can help you out as well on our blog. Can’t wait and want to see what kind of flower bulbs we have in store? Then you can check out our shop. Enjoy!