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We at Plant & Bloom, of all people, know exactly how much fun gardening is. Furthermore, gardening has other powers in which we believe, which is one of the reasons we started on our DIY journey for new and experienced gardeners. Fun is but one of the benefits of gardening. There are so many more though and believe us, some will definitely surprise you. In this article we’ll mention some of the benefits gardening and planting flower bulbs has on a person.

The emotional benefits

Emotional benefits to gardening are plenty and widely deployed. From increasing one’s mood, to aiding in healing of mental illness or even addiction.

Building self-esteem and give a sense of purpose

After putting in the work, tending to and nurturing your plants, flowers or vegetables, you’ll see the beautiful results. Working towards these results gives purpose and when the goal is attained, you can feel proud of the outcome. This way the activity of gardening can show you a new side of yourself.

Gardening reduces stress and can make you happy

A study from 2011 showed that participants, who did some gardening after a stressful event, showed lower levels of cortisol, the hormone which indicates stress. When you are gardening you get the chance to be in the moment, focus on the task at hand and work towards your goal. Furthermore inhaling the healthy bacteria M. vaccae helps reduce anxiety and can raise your levels of serotonin, the happy hormone. Knowing that gardening reduces stress and makes you happier, share this gift with family and friends by inviting or introducing them.

Tips for gardening

Physical health benefits of gardening

The exercise have long lasting benefits

Being outside, taking out weeds, planting flower bulbs or herbs, shuffling soil, raking leaves: you are exercising. In doing so you are burning calories and using big muscle groups, which in turn helps with stamina, flexibility and strength. Studies have shown that the physical activity of gardening may counteract childhood obesity and age-related weight gain. The University of Pennsylvania reported that gardeners are more likely to sleep well and get a steady seven hours a night. So gardening helps with burning calories, building muscle and sleep, all of which are good for a good heart. So gardening even has cardiovascular benefits.

Since you work a lot with your hands while gardening, you can really improve the strength of your hands. In doing so you’ll have strong hands and fingers for a long time, which could offset some symptoms of arthritis or rheumatism. Young children usually don’t have these diseases, but the exposure to dirt has its own benefits for kids. Early exposure to dirt can help by reducing allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Gardening helps with decreasing the chance of dementia

From a study that was published in 2006, it is found that gardening could lower the risk of dementia by a full 36%. Over 2800 people over 60 were monitored for 16 years. After the study was finished it was concluded that the particular activity of gardening could assist in reducing the gain of dementia.

Soak up the sun and that vitamin D

Being outdoors and working in the sun, you gather a lot of very important vitamin D. Apart from a rise in calcium levels and stronger bones, the exposure to the sunlight has additional benefits for your health. It also boosts your immune system. Besides that, it helps to lower the risk of a few variants of cancer (prostate, breast, colorectal and bladder), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and MS.

Gardening also helps with recovering from addiction

During a study it was noticed that plants and working with them stimulated positive feelings in recovering alcoholics. Since then it has often been used as a rehabilitation tool as horticultural therapy.

flower bulbs
Plant & Bloom

Even environmental benefits

As if emotional and physical benefits weren’t enough, gardening also has environmental benefits! It can help with any eco-anxiety you might feel, due to climate change. Whilst doing so, you also help reduce climate change, even though the impact is small it is still an impact. Why? Because you give back to nature instead of taking from it.

By planting flower bulbs, herbs or vegetables, you improve the quality of the soil underneath your feet and the air that we breathe. The air is cleaned by plants through photosynthesis, which is taking the carbon dioxide from the air and turning it into oxygen. The roots of the plants help bind the soil in which they stand. This helps the soil to stay in its place instead of washing away during heavy rain or even floods. Furthermore, gardening has the benefit of increasing biodiversity. By planting flowers bulbs or vegetables that bloom, you’ll attract different kinds of insects which will pollinate other flowers. So a garden is more than just a beautiful place where you can relax, you also provide a home for different sorts of wildlife.

Plant & Bloom wants everyone to experience these benefits to the fullest. So if you’re looking to get a garden started yourself or if you want to give someone some beautiful gardening gifts, we’ve got you covered. Our flower bulbs, such as the award winning Triumph Tulip, are of premium quality and come with the instructions to enjoy them to the fullest. If you’d like some more tips on gardening, you can check out our blog. Or order now at our shop!