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Muscaris are for mini-celebrations. They are spring flowers that bloom early, because they can withstand the cold. When all the muscaris are in bloom, your garden will have a typical spring scent. Muscaris are therefore the flowers for the celebration of spring. Are you ready to celebrate?

About muscari

The name muscari comes from the Greek, moschos, which refers to the fragrance. The muscari has bell-shaped flowers in spike-shaped clusters. When the muscari is in bloom, it has grown into loose-flowered trusses that have a length of up to 3”. The color of a muscari varies from light blue to dark blue. The muscari is now also available in white, yellow, pink or multi-colored. Each muscari has two to three green colored leaves that are elongated to the length of the flower spike. There are 60 types of muscaris. Almost all varieties flower in the spring, but only one variety flowers in the autumn.

Where can you plant muscari bulbs?

It’s important for all flower bulbs to be planted in a sunny spot where the water can drain well. Muscari bulbs can be planted in various places, in the ground and in a pot. There are several ways to plant muscari bulbs: the standard method or lasagna method.

Standard method

The standard method can be done with muscari bulbs only or with multiple varieties. Follow the basic steps from the previous article on how to plant flower bulbs. If you choose to only plant muscari bulbs in one color, you can plant the flower bulbs over the spot. If you choose to use multiple types or colors of flower bulbs, you can plant the flower bulbs mixed over the spot.

Flower bulb lasagna

Lasagna planting (also called “layered planting”) is a special way of planting flower bulbs. It involves planting flower bulbs in layers, one over the next, just as you would make lasagna. Lasagna planting is with multiple (2 or 3) bulb types. It is important that each variety flowers in a different period. As a result, you will be surprised for weeks by the emergence of new varieties and flowers will bloom in your pots for months.

  1. Choose a sunny spot in the garden where you want to place the pot.
  2. Make sure there are holes in the pot for good drainage.
  3. Put a layer of soil in the pot.
  4. Plant the bulbs that bloom last, like tulips, at the correct distance and depth.
  5. Cover this layer with soil and plant the flower bulbs that bloom in the middle period at the correct distance and depth. Think of anemones or daffodils.
  6. Do you have another layer? Cover the bulbs with a layer of soil and plant the bulbs that bloom first, like muscari bulbs, at the correct distance. 
  7. Cover the top layer of flower bulbs with a thicker layer of soil so that they are at the correct depth. Give the flower bulbs some water so that they settle well in the soil.

Useful tips for flower bulbs in pots

  • During a prolonged drought it’s important to give some water
  • When it freezes, it’s useful to put stone pots on legs, so that the pots don’t freeze to pieces
  • In severe frost it’s important that the pots are placed in a sheltered place, such as in a shed. Flower bulbs above the ground are more vulnerable to frost than flower bulbs in the garden

Enjoy the celebration of spring with muscari bulbs!