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Feeling threatened by climate issues and the rapid advances in technology leads us to a need for kindness and human goodness. Our search for meaning involves a search for products and brands to fill this need. How is this reflected in the garden, and what role do flower bulbs play in this?

Simplifying our lives

We’d like to stop the clock to catch our breath. Even for just a moment to get out of the fast lane and unwind. Because this isn’t possible, we look for solutions that would simplify our lives, with less worry. Surrounding ourselves with products we see as nice, pretty and interesting increases our feeling of living a fuller life. There’s also more friendly human interaction when we buy from a neighborhood shop rather than a webshop.

The friendly garden

In the garden, the trend for human kindness is easy to recognize in the inviting look that makes you feel at home. Here, warm earth and skin tones are contrasted with lilac and yellow ochre. Flower bulbs heighten this sense of friendliness due to their profusion of soft, rounded flowers. Plant them in undulating drifts in both light and dark colors to create a wonderful harmony. 

A mini-nursery

Plant flower bulbs in rounded borders or pots without sharp angles. This will give the garden an inviting organic look – a garden where you feel welcome. It’s like creating your own mini-nursery. This is a real do-it-yourself project. You select, plant and care for the flower bulbs until they produce fully mature flowers. No technology or help from other professionals needed.

Bring the natural world closer

Drying flowers is a way of slowing down the clock. You will have collected bits of nature and preserved them. To do this, bind the stems together at the bottom and hang the flowers upside-down in a dark place. They’ll be ready after two or three weeks. You could also try pressing them. This can be done by laying them between old newspapers and weighting them down with something heavy.

Read more about our mission and family grown flower bulbs here. More information about flower bulbs is available at www.bloembol.org.